



Do You Know That Stress Is Not Spontaneous

Your physiological and psychological functioning will be affected under stress. Stress is described as "a situation that demands for your physical and mental energy". Under stress, your body-mind will be subjected to actions and reactions for coping with the situations.

Your reaction to stress varies with time, place and other relational things. You tend to act or behave differently for the same stressful situations and at different point of time. Under stressful situations, your brain triggers a defensive response for handling stress. Your brain response may be either fight or flight. Your body releases various stress hormones into your blood stream to make you to respond to the stress. These hormones will start you to prepare for the show and comes out as a response, be it your fight or flight.

So, there is a time delay between your identifying the stress and starting your response system. As your response cannot be spontaneous to any stressful situation, you can start making use of your mind-body response system in a systematic way to handle your stress.

When you are facing a situation that demands your involvement and action, first you start evaluating the situation and decide on whether you are, in fact, capable of handling it and competent enough to complete the tasks the way it is intended to be finished. You can make use of your evaluation process to decide on whether to take the tasks or not. Your quick and responsive decision on the stressful situation will considerably reduce the anxiety level of the stressful situation at its initial stage itself.

It will be a difficult for you to evaluate your choices and set priorities. You will experience stress even at the time of setting your priorities and again this may not be spontaneous. Plan your tasks, be it your task of setting priorities or your executing your set priorities, well ahead so as to avoid any last minute alterations and adjustments.

When you are not capable of handling the stressful situation, you end up with headaches, digestive disorders and other physiological disorders. You may well appreciate that all these disorders or harmful symptoms creep into you only after some time of your exposure to the stressful situation.

You will start experiencing stress the moment you find that you are not able to fulfill the commitment or when you fail in executing the tasks. Your failure slowly crops up as stress in you, which further hinder your endeavour to tackle the situation.

You can learn to handle your stress at its initial stage itself. If you postpone your actions, the situation may bring in more stressful thoughts such as fear of encountering the situation, fear of failure, and the fear of opinion formed by others about you.


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