Be Aware of the Harmful effects of Stress on our BodyStudies
have shown that around 40 to 70 percent of the ailments treated by doctors were
psychosomatic ailments caused due to stress. If you are under persistent stress,
you have a revelry situation within you, which may lead to various physical and
psychological complications. One of the recent studies has revealed that there is one new disorder by name Attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD) caused by stressful situations. The predominant symptom of ADD will be inattention and this may also exhibit secondary symptoms like disorganisation, lack of foresight, procrastination, lack of motivation and carelessness. If you are having any of these symptoms, then you may be beginning to experience stress and stress related ailments. If you experience continuous stress, then the stressors will ruin your spirit and bring down your motivational level. If you are stressed out, you may easily fall prey to many negative habits like addiction to alcohol, smoking, procrastination and even suicidal tendencies. The effect of your continuous exposure to stress will have a telling effect on your spiritual well being, which in turn will manifest as jealousy, suspicion, deteriorating interpersonal relationship and suicidal tendencies. Under stressful conditions, you may tend to eat more and this coupled with poor digesting capacities caused due to stress will result in your becoming obese. Continuous exposure to stress or if you are not able to cope with the stress, then you may start feeling run down in your energy level. Stressful situations also increase your blood pressure, which has got its own related complications. So
it is important that you should know the effects of stressful situations on your
body and you should not delay in taking the remedial measures the moment you start
recognising the effects.
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