Stress - Telling effects on RelationshipIf you look
at the growing rate of divorces, you may find the reason being stressed
out spouses, be it parental or marital relationship. If you are unable
to handle any of the physical or emotional demand, then the stress caused
will have a telling effect on your relationship. There are lots of varied situations daily that demand your efforts from the moment you get up from the bed and till you retire to bed at night. The situations are like that of making breakfast, readying up the children for school and managing them till you are putting your children to bed at night. Though you may find them as trivial issues, the stress on these aspects build up slowly with a telling effect on your parental relationship. Parental relationship can be made as a pleasurable one whatever may be the demanding situation. For that you may have to accept first that stress cannot be avoided and you may seek support from your friends or close relations. You should not stop communicating with your children and share a quality time with then regularly. As a parent you must first believe that failure is only a stepping stone and encourage your children on those lines so as to have a better parental relationship. Marital Relationship The telling effect of your deteriorating marital relationship will manifest as insomnia, hypertension and depression. The possible cause may be endless, but an unaffectionate and unforgiving attitude of your spouse or extra marital relationship or your inability to find a quality time with your spouse may cause stress. Since the relationship differ from person to person or in other words the relationship depends on the nature of the person, it is important to handle your stress in your marital relationship at the initial stage itself. You can let your spouse know the exact issue and an honest communication can solve the problem at its initial stage itself. You should also try to change your rigid attitude and practise a flexible approach, which will definitely pave way for your spouse also to reciprocate. Relationships in Career The biggest challenge that you may face is having a balanced family and professional life. You may find it frustrating if there is conflict between family and work responsibilities. You can easily overcome this by evaluating your identified choices and setting priorities. Your ability to cope with work-family stress successfully depends on your strategies, your resources and your perception. If you can
develop an attitude to mobilise more and more resources and use it well,
and if you are open to the idea of changing your attitude to a healthier
one, then you will be in a better position to cope with the stress successfully.
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