



Learn How To Avoid Procrastination

If you are a shirker or delay things or put off your task, you are a procrastinator and should know how to overcome it. First of all admit the problem and then try to solve it. Through the procrastination test you will then realize why you are putting off some thing needlessly.

Make a list of the reasons for delay - the real reasons, not the rationalized version. As you peruse the list of reasons, you may not find one valid reason for the delay you are causing.

After doing this you can start the project and this is the signal that you know how to overcome procrastination. You can, in addition, list out the reasons why you should start the project immediately, real or perceived with no need to rationalize the list.

Procrastination regarding extremely difficult tasks can be over come by thinking of the task in small pieces rather than in big chunks. Think of other completed projects and correlate them to the present one.

Don’t plan long projects if you want to avoid procrastination start a project that can be finished in about 5 or 10 minutes and do not step until the task or time is over. It will be a positive step in the right direction.

When Your Near And Dear Come To Play

Often a procrastinator requires some one to nudge him or good to get them start on a task. Set a dead line to complete a project and about it to your friends, family or co workers.

The reason is that some one among them will remind you of the deadline and keep you focused on finishing it within the dead line. Your wife can exert peer pressure regarding the deadline for the painting of the house of which you had told her earlier.

By writing down your plans you can easily avoid and overcome procrastination. According to an old business maxim a plan not written down is a plan not done. Put your plans on paper along with the priorities which will give an impetus to begin and complete the project.

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