



10 Handy Positive Ways for Preventing Situations Slipping from Your Hand

It is quite common for you to get frustrated when things go out of your hand and you may also develop a sinking feeling on your inability to control the situation.

Some times you may also start wondering whether you lack in positive thinking or suffering from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), a common disorder seen with depressed people. Further, such negative presumptions might further lead to a situation where you may feel drained out of energy to face any new challenges and move forward.

When it comes to the power of positive thinking, it can even help people with ADD to gain focus and concentrate on things for betterment and for accomplishing difficult tasks. Once you are on the path of practicing positive thinking, you will be actually spending less time brooding on your failures and that in turn will boost your energy level for better accomplishments. We will now see few of the practical positive thinking patterns:

1. Have Concern about Your Own Good Stead

Always try to have a positive attitude and soon you will find it to be a very great mood enhancer and that in turn will assist you in getting things accomplished the way your want them. Eat well, take good rest and take enough care to maintain your health without which you may not be able to realize your life’s goal in its fullest potential.

2. Recollect Wonderful Moments in Your Life

Certain amount of stress is in fact good for achieving results, as the same will help you to have focus and concentration. In order to stay clear from the present stress, you can recollect all your earlier accomplishments that you achieved despite the stress and you can consider the present situation as a yet another chance to prove yourself. Take time to recollect, appreciate and enjoy your earlier achievements and finer moments of life and this can certainly alter your present scenario much to your liking.

3. Stop making Proof-less Assumptions

Never develop a false thought that others may not like you and in such a situation you are more likely to concentrate on worthless matters to attract or win others’ acceptance or appreciation. In fact, majority of the time all the people are normally engrossed in their own thoughts rather than to watch and think about others. And to know this attitude precisely, you yourself can watch your thought process and you can see that most of the time you would be bothering to impress others in the place of finding their faults or watching them for their actions.

However, if you have valid reasons or proof that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, it is better you confront them politely and ask them to speak to you directly or you can even opt to ignore them provided you did nothing wrong to them.

4. Absolutes and Abstracts are of no use

Stop using abstract annotations such as “always” or “never” under circumstances like “you are always late” or “ you never bother to inform me”. Using of such absolutes may only aggravate the situation to worse and in fact not using them might turn the situation more amenable to you. Further, usage of such absolutes will slowly make you to misjudge people who were otherwise very competent and trustworthy and in a long run you stand a chance to lose them.

5. Kill those Negative Thoughts

Your thoughts are capable of doing or undoing things in your favor and hence immediately on the onset of any negative thoughts try to dissuade from it and try to kill all those thoughts. During the initial stages you may find it difficult to avoid such thoughts, but once you practice to watch your thoughts and do not follow the negative ones, you will slowly be able to dissuade them totally.

6. Refrain from "ANTs"

Many scientific studies have proved that bad thoughts categorized as "ANTs" (Automatic Negative Thoughts) are capable of resulting in reactions detrimental to you. Hence whenever thoughts such as "Those people are laughing at me” or “they must be talking about me" or "The boss will scold me today”, try to refrain from developing such thoughts for your own benefits.

7. Explore the Wonders of Physical Contacts

At the first instance understand that more than your words, your non-verbal actions and reactions can do wonders with others. For instance, if you simply hug your friend to convey your greetings on his/her recent accomplishment, the act can linger long in their minds and you are sure to get unanticipated good reciprocation from them. Even in one of the research studies, it was found that when the waitress touched some of her customers just over the arm while handing over the bill has helped her to get more tips from those customers.

8. Never Cease Your Social Activity

Humans are largely considered as social animals and hence you cannot afford to stop from socializing for any reason. Further, through social activity you can kill all your loneliness and see yourself with other happy and healthy people that in turn can bestow you with a high level of positive energy.

9. Extend Help to Needy Persons or Volunteer for an Organization

It is true that once you lend a helping hand to others, whatever small the help may be, more than the receiver it is you who will feel happier. By extending your help through various resources such as time, energy, money, etc., you are actually extending positive energy and they are sure to return multifold back to you in future.

10. Desist from Ruminating Bad things

Have had any bad experiences in the past? At the first instance stop ruminating over them, as any amount of your rumination cannot alter those situations and in the process you lose only your precious present moments. If you get interrupted frequently by such ruminating thoughts, then you can resolve to stop or desist from such acts and you can also get distracted from it by engaging yourself in a completely different activity.

If you just watch your rumination process, you will notice that you always ruminate only bad happenings in your life and such negative aspects will have a direct adverse bearing on your future. Hence, try to change from such a scenario and you can devise various methods that can assist you to come out of such bad rumination. Try walking a mile or call up a friend or turn on your i–pod or move from the place where you stand or sit – such small acts can really help you to come out of the ruminating box instantly.

In any corporate world, the unwritten religion is the protocol and in order to survive you must get to know the basics first. When it comes to stress in corporate world, in fact a little stress is needed to achieve a set goal and without any such stress you are more likely to become complacent and project a bad example. Succumbing to stress will not yield results, but at the same time you can make use of the same stress to bring the talent in you to get appreciated and become successful.

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