



How Do We Define Procrastination

If we want to understand why people give up certain tasks or function, we must necessarily understand the definition of the work procrastination and at what level the person procrastinates.

So this can be defined as the act of putting off doing something until a later time. This avoidance can be occasional behavior for some to avoid stress and strain. But chronic procrastination will lead to loss of job and family.

Generally people procrastinate and avoid jobs that are unpleasant and produce undesirable results and stress. But by avoiding the job and procrastinating, there is more stress and strain. The reason for procrastination is varied for different persons though the results may be common.

The person who misjudges the time for the completion of a task will usually wait until the last minute and suddenly become over stressed to perform the task with in the deadline.

In spite of this, procrastinators reassure others that every thing is under control, and is fine while inwardly they are wrecked by stress.

The Brain Is Also Involved!

The definition of procrastination implies two separate areas namely psychological and physiological, from the former’s point of view it is defined as the anticipated result of actions or the anxiety of rejection because of low esteem. In addition, being perfectionists they may delay planning and execution of the task.

In the physiological aspect procrastination involves pre frontal cortex of the brain which develops decision making skills.
The impulse control is under developed which results in lack of control and focus on the job required for completion. This part of the brains responsible for attention deficit Hyper activity disorder.

The definition of procrastinators includes two types viz the tense and nervous who are afraid to begin a project and relaxed and easy going type why wait until the last minute not at all afraid of any negative result even if the project is alte.

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