



Little Known Facts About Relationship Stress

Sexual and non sexual relationships have their own conflicts and contradictions but relationship stress is far from healthy. Though normal relationship fights relieve tension and are healthy and help people to express their anger and understand each other’s opinion, relation ship stress develops if the fight is too much and the conflict too volatile. The situation becomes dangerous. Any stress is unhealthy and should be attended to immediately.

Dangers of Relationship stress

Relationship stress, like others, brings down the immune system of the sufferer conflict and confrontation results in much other illness from cold and flu, to severe mental debilitation. In spite of conflicts among most families and relationships people recognize a global camaraderie that prevents a fight from turning in to stress. There is absolutely no gain or benefit from a great conflict or violent fight.

With a lowered immune system relationship stress leads to other physical ailments. The area of the brain processing emotional and physical pain is situated in the same place. The idea of a broken heart appears to be true. Relationship stress is the villain of the piece so far as broken hearts is concerned both literally and metaphorically.

Relationship stress unexpressed and suppressed is the worst of its kind. It is much better to fight and vent one’s anger and feelings against another than suppress emotions and disagreements which will surely lead to stress. Fights promote understanding and can bring people together at least in moderation.

Couples who never fight die younger living unhealthy lives while those who fight and disagree and release their strong emotions live longer, happier, and without relationship stress. Conflict expressed in the right way is healthy and good. Expressed anger or any other emotion engenders stress while vindictive anger and condescending manner worsen the stress and situation.

Conflicts between families must be talked over between themselves or through a therapist. They should be resolved as peacefully as possible with due respect to each family. Failing this anger and disappointment will well up in the heart, stress will build up which is detrimental in the end.

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