



Learn How to Grow Spiritually and Sustain it in Today’s Chaotic World

In today’s world where money, power and influence rule and have become the order of the day, it will be difficult for you to nurture your aspiration for a spiritual growth. If you just sit in a calm place and analyze all the advancements in science you have today, you will find that you have been made a slave of all these gadgets and comforts and where as if you think of the spiritual advancement you have had, probably you are in an abyss.

All these gadgets and entertainment have made you confined to your home and increased all your needs and wants to a new high. And in the melee you have forgotten to know thy self and you have been made to lead a life that is devoid of any true purpose or goal. Though you are in need of money and other basic amenities, there is a limit for everything and to understand the very purpose of your existence you need to strike a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of your life.

Make an Inward Journey

In order to achieve a spiritual well being, you need to undertake a journey, an inward journey to find your true self. You may have to introspect all your actions and here introspecting your actions doesn’t mean your actions or things that happened to you last week or month. It is your actual motivations, beliefs, thoughts and feelings that has driven you in your chosen path at that time. By doing such an exercise, you dive deep in your experiences and get an insight to get to know your real goal of life.

You also get to know your traits, both good and bad, and be able to sustain your good traits and get rid of bad ones. Further, you also unconsciously learn as how to behave properly and appropriate for any situation and start conducting yourself in a right manner. You have got all the skills, and introspection is one among them. It is also possible to tap your introspection skills and what you need to do that is all the willingness and the urge to seek the Truth. Here is a simple yet effective guide for you to learn and grow more in your spiritual journey.

The First Step of Improving Your Potentials

Present day science sees your spirit in a way that is quite opposite to the view cognized by religion. Religion considers all human spirits who have come into this world as temps and whereas the science views every individual as a living species with all his/her dimensions. If you take into account the various teachings such as the western Christianity or the eastern Islamic, both consider the self as an unending theme and the needs of physical body is recognized as the needs of the spirit within.

In order to grow spiritually, you need to undertake a path that has got all parameters such as values, beliefs, good work, rules and morality without which you may not be able to complete your spiritual journey successfully. With regard to human psychology, self-actualization is nothing but the realization of your real self and according to Maslow this self-actualization is one among the needs of humans besides other needs such as security, physiological needs, aesthetic values, esteem, love, and belongingness.

These needs are also broadly classified into three categories, namely material, emotional, and spiritual needs. Once you are able to fulfil or satisfy your physiological needs or otherwise called material needs, next comes the need for emotional need fulfillment and yet the next is the spiritual needs. In your life, after achieving each need, you transcend to a next higher level and both the psychology and the religion sees the self-development as the ultimate end. However, the religions like Islam and Christianity consider the act of serving God as self-development and the science Psychology sees the self-development as an end by itself.

The Second Step of Searching the Meaning in your Spiritual Growth

Every religion such as Islam, Judaism and Christianity that believes in God’s existence rely heavily on the principle of Humans serving the Creator as the very purpose of life. Though there are many psychological theories that stress our role in giving many meanings to our lives, it is important for you to know that spirituality is a must for you to understand your life’s goal and to give a meaning to your mere existence.

Once you are born you may not know your real purpose of life and what all you need is to be fed and put to sleep. However, as you grow, you start seeing the world and start your action, reaction and interaction. And in the process you understand many meanings, develop beliefs and start living your life based on your values and aspirations. You are not born just to live and die, but your life has got a purpose or a destination to reach and you have to put all your emotional, physical, intellectual capabilities and potentials into use to reach the destination and your life devoid of any purpose or a goal is akin to a drifting ship without a captain.

Know the Underlying Truth to Know Spirituality Better

Religions have never failed to impress you that you are a part and parcel of the magnanimous creation, both animate and inanimate. All the creatures thus created are nothing but the spark of the divine from which you and I have also come. Despite any blood relations, all are our brothers and sisters and many religions such as Christianity and Islam even relate you and all living creatures to a higher being namely the God.

However, when it comes to the science, it relies on the evolution theory but in reality even the evolution is nothing but creation by a higher self. In psychology, self-transcendence is considered as nothing but knowing your connectedness and according to the famous psychologist Maslow, self-actualization is one of the basic needs of all humans. Once when you start recognizing your relatedness with all animate and inanimate things, then the knowledge will make you to appreciate all living things around you and make your spiritual journey fast and easy.

As said in one of the profound doctrines, expansion is life and any absence of it is death, you have to make all your endeavors to search for the ultimate and grow spiritually to reach your real self.

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