



Travel the Seven Step Highway to Reach Your Stress Free Life

Stress is a state of mind and it is different for different people and at different point of time. As there are many ways to skin a cat, you also have many ways and means to tackle your stress and live your life stress free. Stress can do and undo things or in other words can make you or break you depending upon your mental state and once you resolve to tackle your stress, then you can make it as your servant (read positive stress here) to get things done in your favor.

Stress can happen at varying degrees and it is also capable of driving you crazy if you do not make any attempts to tame it and hence it is better you gain some knowledge about stress and its management so as to make your life better.

In today’s faster and hectic world every other person is stressed out and escaping from stress is not in your hands but escaping from the ill effects of stress is certainly in your hands and mind. If you can just sit without any stress and analyze things, you can come to know that your stress is your own state of mind and neither any situation nor any person is responsible for that.

When it comes to managing your stress, what you have is many number of ways and techniques with which you can efficiently and effectively handle your stress away. The purpose of this article is to teach you few realistic stress management skills for you to help you out f stress and you need not get stressed out to know them or practice them over night; get to know and practice these steps over a period of next seven days, that comes to one week precisely, and you can watch the pleasant difference in your life.

1. Consider Stress as Good

Never look at stress as an enemy; instead look at it as your friend. Whenever you meet with stress you have two options to handle it namely “fight” or “flight”. However, if you choose to fight it out, you can start considering the stress as positive stress and help you to bring out the best from you. In fact a little stress is necessary for making you to work with all focus and concentration and to achieve results. Once you start considering your stress as positive, immediately you will brim with energy and make your mind to take part in competition and show the world your expertise. With a little stress you will always be able to push an extra mile with an added advantage.

2. Avoid Stressed People

Similar to sneezing, you can also catch stress from stressed out people immediately. Learn the art of recognizing stressed people and try to distance form them as far as possible. Alternatively, you can also choose to help the person to get out of stress by helping the other person in his work or by teaching him/her few related lessons on stress management.

3. Watch and Learn from Others

You may well appreciate the fact that each and every one of us get stress at some point of time and you can make use of this to your advantage by watching other people and learn from them how they handle their stress. Observe stressed out people and watch what they do during their stressful times. Do they lose their head or do they keep their calm? Whether they act differently or how do they use their attitude to handle stress? Are they have undergone any stress management course or are they handle stress out of sheer experience?

Watch other people with intense intent to learn their stress handling techniques and you are sure to gain more knowledge that could be put to use by you in your daily life for stress management.

4. Do Breathing Exercise

If you are not doing any exercise especially breathing exercise at all, then it is time you started some form of exercise that can do good to your body and mind. A good exercise will make your muscles relax and flexible so as to make you refreshed to meet you daily chores enthusiastically. A good breathing exercise can also relax your body and help you to get rid of some harmful toxins from your body.

A good breathing exercise form is to start breathing slowly up to a count of 7 as you breathe in and breathing out till you complete counting 11. Repeat the 7-11 breathing cycle until you get your heart rate reduced and get your sweat dried from your palms. Once you practice this breathing exercise regularly, you will start feeling better and begin to look at things differently and passionately.

5. Show Your Stressful Thoughts the Door

The effect of stressful thoughts will be more detrimental than the actual stressful situation itself. Hence, never allow any stressful thoughts to overpower you and you should resolve not to entertain any stressful thoughts in your mind and if you are able to achieve this then you have already started winning over your stress. If you could analyze carefully, you will come to understand that many of your stressful thoughts would have ceased to happen in real life situation and hence why should you get stressed out for things that doesn’t happen at all?

The moment you get a stressful thought, immediately kick it out by engaging yourself in other activities and you can certainly see your life getting better and better as days roll by.

6. Identify and Avoid Stressors

Stressors are the factors that could trigger stress in you. For example, you may get stressed whenever you are in a traffic jam or when you go for an interview or when you are supposed to present a paper in your office. However, there are many ways and means to avoid traffic jam, you may wonder as how to avoid the interview or the paper presentation? There is no necessity for you to avoid your interview or your paper presentation, but you can still do that and avoid the pangs of stress with a simple mental makeup. Try to identify your stressors and accept them as opportunities to show your excellence in the chosen field.

If your stress is due your difficult deadline, then talk to the person concerned well in advance and seek extension of time. Alternatively you can also seek additional support by way of additional resources for you to complete the job in time. In case of presentation blues or interview blues, you can practice in advance and keep all the points in your fingertips so as to make your presentation or the interview really click.

A prior knowledge about your stressors can really make you to understand them better and devise plans to tackle them favorably. With a list of stressors on your hand, you also stand to improve with additional skills that are necessary to handle your stressors.

7. Maintain a Good Health

In order to lead a healthy life you should have a better mind-body health and unless you eat properly and exercise regularly you cannot achieve your target. For example, your poor diet coupled with lack of sleep can drain your energy both physically and emotionally. Hence note to follow your parents’ or grandparents’ advise and never try to stretch beyond your limits.

A severe stress can really knock you off your balance and unless you develop ways and means to look into your inner self, it will be difficult for you to carry on with your life peacefully. However, have a firm conviction that it is really possible for you to lead a life devoid of stress and it is time you did something positive to achieve that.

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