



Not Happy with Your Happiness Level? Know how you can Fix it

Ever felt that you are always on the flip side of your life, especially when you see every other person happy and leading a fulfilling life? There are also occasions wherein you might find that you are undergoing the toughest part of your life and you may start wondering as to how others were able to lead a peaceful and happy life amidst the chaos you see or experience.

“Living ever happily” is in fact a state of mind and any amount of your search for happiness outside will sure to disappoint you and leave you more distressed. In other words, your life’s happiness solely depends on your “self” meaning that you can choose to be happy or choose not to be happy.

Now, are you ready to get guided step by step in your pursuit to be happy forever?

Love Yourself

In your school or college, you might have listened to lessons that would have told you to be courageous, especially during your difficult periods or failures. At the first instance, you should learn to identify your own imperfections or faults and take all effective steps to either refine them or correct instead of looking for faults in others. In fact, it needs a lot of courage to look at your own self and stay corrected of your mistakes and in the process you also develop a love towards yourself, which is the first step in happiness journey.

Contentment is a yet another key that would be able to open many locks of happiness in your favor. Just find some time to sit and analyze your job, your present position in the society, the brand or model of the car you own, your house, etc. Ask the pertinent question of whether you are happy with what you are today? Try to give some physical values to all these attributes and now you can look at the same attributes in comparison with a person who happens to be a level below you. The moment you compare things with a person who is a grade below, you will immediately see the value of all your possessions going up instantaneously. Now you can sit again and think what made you feel happy or what made you richer without even moving an inch.

Understand first that a long journey will always start with a first step, and once you know that all your endeavors have to begin with a small effort, you have made a good start in your journey to happiness. Stop looking at your life and its contribution to your happiness, instead, introspect what you have derived from it and this outlook or approach will certainly make you to look at your happiness in a different proposition.

Life is full of right and wrong, wining and losing, and it should be your endeavor to look and take the right and positive things after discarding the negative aspects. As a thumb rule consider your breathing where you breathe in the oxygen and let out the unwanted carbon dioxide. Similarly, take a resolve not to accept and take in any of the negative things in your life, and the moment you practice your resolve, happiness will automatically manifest from nowhere.

As said earlier, your life is full of both advantages and disadvantages and under such circumstance you may be wondering as how to seek genuine happiness and improve your life at every step? Take a resolve to improve your quality of life at every step, be it in your cleaning your room or while extending a helping hand to your wife or a friend or preparing for your promotion examination or even while walking your dog.

Think of your life as a big score board in any of the Football tournament. You are aware that unless you keep scoring goals, your value will never increase. Hence, try to score as many favourable points as possible in your life and as you keep scoring and increasing the values in your life’s personal score board, you stand a better chance to increase your utility and start feeling elated and satisfied. Once you reach the end of game, you will not have any desires left unfulfilled and be ready to end the game of life with a happy note.

There is no readymade formula for your genuine happiness in life and there isn’t any standard with which you can measure your happiness either. For instance, even a highest reward or award such as a Nobel prize or winning a grand race couldn’t bring in a desired happiness in you, but at the same time a small accomplishment like helping a kid in salvaging its lost ball could turn out to be the best ever moment in your life. Then how would you rate or define the genuine happiness?

Well, happiness differs from person to person and it doesn’t conform to any standards as well. For instance, genuine happiness for a writer is on his releasing a book and when it comes to a football player the happiness lies in his first ever goal, and it doesn’t need be a winning goal. Money is happiness for a beggar and the same money many bring in more twitches for a rich man. Similarly, success is happiness for businessmen and a perfect silhouette shot is happiness for a photographer. Does the examples confuse you more?

The main idea here is to tell you that you needn’t achieve great and best things in life to be happy, but you can find immense pleasure and happiness even in small acts and things such as waving your hand at an on looking village kid when you are travelling in a train or while you buy a useful key chain. Yes, true happiness lies in your doing best things in your life and when you laugh at your own mistakes and resolve not to repeat the mistake again. Have a stubborn mind to stand up every time you fall or fail and once you see your task accomplished you get immensely pleased despite the number of falls or failures.

The moment you know and accept your fault, you have already put your first step to take your journey to happiness. By studying your failures keenly, you also develop a mindset not to recognize others’ mistakes and you also start loving yourself and others for what you and they are respectively.

You are aware that laughter is the best medicine, but you may not know that laughing over your own mistakes is still more a better medicine and in the act you let off more of your negative energies and get positive energies to work your way to success.

Now that you have been exposed to few of life’s secrets, you may be better placed than others now and probably are in a position to guide others whenever someone asks you the question “how to become genuinely happy?”

Choose to be happy and you will certainly be happy!

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