



Spare 5 Minutes a Day to Keep Your Stress Away Rest of the Day

Ever felt stressed when you relax? When you try to understand the real meaning, you may even find the statement to be contradicting. Well, there is every scope for you to get stressed at any time, including your relaxing time and you may normally refer to this incidence as “boring”. Stress is a very unique experience and different people perceive stress differently and a stressful situation to you may not be stressful at all for another person. And thus it is highly possible for you to develop stress even when you relaxing or when unrelentingly engaged in any job.

It is quite common for you to get bumped on some untoward incidents in your life, may be too often, and it is important that instead of brooding over your misfortune you should try to ameliorate your sufferings and get out of the stress at the earliest possible.

In stress management, which again differs from person to person, there are many ways and means with which you can handle your stress and soon it will become your second nature when it comes to stress management. Get to understand the following principles that will aid you in your stress management and once you master the art, you can unleash your power of stress management at your will.

Manage Your Time

With better time management techniques, you can start spending more time with your family and friends and you can also have more quality time to look at yourself for self-improvement. And in the process of your getting engaged in meaningful activities, you never get stressed out or at least stop getting bogged down by stress. When it comes to various time management skills, there are so many of them and to start with you can get to know few of them here that can come very handy in your day to day life:

• Learn the art of delegation and concentration so as to make yourself save time and get organized in what you do respectively.

• Jot down the details on the lines of how you spend your time. You may try to note down the time spent on your office work, your family needs, your personal needs, leisure, etc., and review them regularly. This can give you an insight as to where you are spending your time more than the necessary and you will come to know how to reallocate your time.

• Prioritizing your jobs on hand could confer you with better time management skills. Assess the time needed for the job on your hand and try to take up those jobs that are important and urgent.

• Develop a commitment attitude and note to commit only to things that are important and meaningful to you.

• Procrastination is the worst time stealer and hence take a decision not to postpone doing things. Have a look at all your plans and break them into achievable smaller ones so as to make your efforts easy and concentrated on smaller jobs.

• Do a self-introspection and take cognizance of your beliefs and try to be fair and mediocre so as to avoid any conflicts.

Learn Better Coping Methodologies

Coping strategies are methods with which you can redirect the effects of your stress away from affecting you. One way of achieving this is to look at how you respond to a stressful situation. For instance, if you get nervous on getting stress, you can learn or assure yourself not to get nervous and if you shout on getting stress, you can decide not to get anger and resolve to keep silent.

By changing this way, which is nothing but your own coping strategies, you avoid the ill effects of stress and you will also be able to perform well even under such stressful conditions. Identify all your unhealthy reactions to your stress and find out better alternatives to all your reactions. Learn to control yourself first so as to take control of your life in your hands.

Choose Your Lifestyle

If you carefully analyze your lifestyle, you may come to know that many of your lifestyle choices have in fact fuelled your stressful moments further. For example, your more than necessary office work to get your promotion under fast track might have severely affected your family life and the moment you enter your home after your office hours, you get stress invariably.

Hence, first make out a list of things that would possibly affect you and then resolve to find solutions for them. It is also possible for you get stress indirectly from many circumstances or situations and in order to live a life free of any stress consider the following:

• Strike a healthy balance between your family and your office. As far as possible try to fulfil your obligations first before looking for things from others.

• It is your life you are living, and hence develop a sense of belonging and a purpose for your life.

• Have at least 8 hours of sleep in a day. Your mind and body need enough rest and only a good sleep alone can confer this on to your mind and body.

• Eat a diet that is balanced in all essential nutrients, as they are necessary for you to build a defense against stress.

• Exercise makes your body strong and flexible and at the same time removes detrimental toxins from your body. Hence, do a moderate exercise for at lest 5 days in a week.

• If you have a habit of consuming alcohol, it is better you have moderation in it and it still more better if you could totally stop consuming alcohol.

• Similar to alcohol, your smoking habit can also prove to be detrimental to your health, Hence, stop smoking immediately.

Garner Social support

The society you live in and the support you receive or rather the support you don’t receive from your family also contribute its part in your stress. Being a member of a society, you can receive social support from your family, your community and your friends and once you know that there are people who care for you, you develop courage to face your tribulations in your life and in the process you develop better relationship and start taking your stress in your stride and march in your life undeterred by stress.

Change the Way You Think

You, as a human being, are considered as a bundle of thoughts and with thousands of thoughts that traverse your mind every moment, there will be negative thoughts too and because of which you may experience guilt, insecurity, anxiety, fear, rage, and sense of worthlessness, depression, and powerlessness.

Once you develop these kind of emotions, the effects start showing up as stress in you and hence once you learn to train your mind from developing negative thoughts, you can indirectly control one of the factors that cause stress. How does you train your mind to control or stop from developing negative thoughts? Here is how:

• Stop your negative thought the moment it enters your mind and by this way you have won your first victory against stress.

• Try to avoid irrational thoughts by finding ways to disproving them and by this way you can avoid getting your negative thoughts exaggerated beyond proportion and you can also start interpreting things correctly and aptly.

• Develop the expertise of problem solving and this can help you to identify the factors that cause stress and find amicable solution to ward off the ill effects.

• Communication is a powerful tool and with it you can get your views and opinions driven home in a peaceful manner. Once you are able to make people understand without any contradiction, you have won half of your battle against stress. Be assertive in your communication and lay stress on improving your communication style on an ongoing basis.

Stress is a universal factor that doesn’t spare anyone in this world. Especially in today’s faster and hectic life, you cannot avoid stress altogether and what you can do best is to learn to live with it by finding ways and means to reduce the effects of stress on your health.

Though stress is inevitable, you also need a little stress to get your innovativeness and expertise known to the world because under moderate stress you will strive to work better and bring out all your talents to achieve the set goal. Learn to foster a positive stress so as to bring the best out of you.

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